CALIFORNIA RENTAL SERVICES INDUSTRY FOUNDATION                                         

CRSIF was founded as a separate IRC Section 501(c)(3) Non Profit Corporation to assist students of the rental industry, members in need of disaster relief and rental related educational projects.  CRA administers all functions at no charge to CRSIF, with the exception of postage.  All contributions are made by members, vendors, memorials and remembrances.  These funds are managed by Morgan Stanley and overseen by the CRSIF Board of Directors.
 CRSIF needs your support to keep this program for all members, students and vendors moving forward.  The foundation’s income is solely from gifts, donations and any investment income earned.  A great way to help others and avoid estate taxes is to make a gift in your will and estate planning to this foundation.  You can make stipulations that the principle gift must be retained by the foundation and invested, allowing only the income and interest from the gift to provide scholarships, disaster relief and educational tools.  This would be a gift that can go on giving for years to come.  What a great legacy you could leave.  Another way to help the foundation is to request people make a gift to the foundation in memory of a loved one.  You can also make an annual charitable contribution.
 We hope you will consider the CRSIF in your charitable giving and estate planning.  Donations can be made online or send your donation made out to the California Rental Services Industry Foundation to the CRA office.  The future and current generation of rental industry employees and leaders will be most grateful to you.  You can give opportunity to others as you have received opportunity.
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