Gartland/Blackwell Memorial Award

This annual award honors the memories of two individuals who have contributed to the success of CRA and whose memories will not be forgotten. James Gartland was the founder of the industry publication Rental Equipment Register (RER).  Each year he would help recognize the "Rentalman of the Year" and the CRA continues that tradition by acknowledging men and women who embody the qualities Jim himself demonstrated - respect, vision and leadership.
Dale Blackwell served CRA as President and Executive Director.  He was the owner of Aba Daba Rents. With Dale’s exceptional leadership, personal integrity and positive attitude CRA continues to be an influential organization in the rental industry. His positive personality perpetuated the rental industry and helped to promote the high professional standards found in the rental industry.

The Rental Man of the Year Award was presented
from 1964-1979

1964 - Joe Ewing 1972 - Bill Cushing
1965 - Bob Irving 1973 - Jack Wanamaker
1966 - Jack Decker 1974 - Palmer Grasse
1967 - Bob Grasse 1975 - Bill Berman
1968 - Sam Greenburg 1976 - Ron Irvin
1969 - Bill Grasse 1977 - Ted de Vries
1970 - Ross Neesley 1978 - Dale Muesborn
1971 - Ellen & Harry Clason 1979 - Chuck Aarons

The James Gartland Award was presented from

1980 - Joe Novak 1999 - Irving Levine
1981 - Joe Doran 2000 - Irwin R Scott
1982 - Howard Burnett 2001 - Chuck Maltese
1983 - Joe Wiest 2002 - Les Chayo
1984 - Dick Hill 2003 - Larry Pedersen
1985 - Bud Loeber 2004 - Russ Meek
1986 - June Harvey 2005 - Dennis Wells
1987 - Tom Carolan 2007 - Brian Maginnis
1988 - Lynn Talbot 2010 - Vicky Blackwell
1989 - Bob Phares 2011 - Jim Woodward
1990 - Bill Bryant 2012 - Jim Jenkins
1991 - Paul Powers 2013 - Robert Pedersen
1992 - Van Dossey 2014 - David Dworschak
1993 - Lynda Bradley 2015 - Patricia Sarris
1994 - Dale Blackwell 2016 - Richard Briggs
1995 - Tim Novoselski 2017 - Doug Strom
1996 - Tony Beringer 2018 - Alex DuBose
1997 - Bob DuBose 2019 - Jeff Roberts
1998 - Dennis Turner  



The James Gartland Award was changed to The Gartland/Blackwell Memorial Award in 2021.

2021 - Mitch Gutierrez  
2022 - Glenn Phares  
2023 - Rusty Parr  
2023 - Janice Petersen  

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