Job Descriptions

 Click on the Job Title to go to the job description:

Chairman of the Board
Vice President
Board Member

 Chairman of the Board
  1. Is the immediate past president of the Board, except that if, because of illness, death, resignation, they are unable to fulfill their term of office, the Board shall appoint a past Chairman of the Board to serve.  The Chairman of the Board is a member of the Executive Committee.
  2. Provides mentoring and assistance to new incoming President and other officers.  The Chairman of the Board provides continuity to the Executive Committee. 
  3. Helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns by working with and through the President and the Executive Committee.
  4. Plays an active role in promoting the California Rental Association.
  5. Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board.
  1. Is a member of the Board and shall have served at least 2 years previously on the Board prior to being elected President.  The President shall be elected annually for a term of one year.  The President shall not hold this office for a period longer then two (2) consecutive full terms.  The President shall utilize his or her best efforts to serve for a two year consecutive term to assure continuity with the Executive Director.
  2. Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the CRA and is chair of the Executive Committee.
  3. Is a partner with the Executive Director in achieving the organization's mission of promoting in a lawful and legal manner, the development, preservation, operation, promotion, maintenance, and general welfare of the rental industry in the Western United States.
  4. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors and is the sole point of communication with the Executive Director as to all association matters and meeting planning.
  5. Chairs meetings of the Board after developing the agenda with the Executive Director.
  6. Encourages Board's role in strategic planning.
  7. Appoints chairs of committees and is a member of those committees.
  8. Discusses issues confronting the organization with the Executive Director and Board Members and legal counsel.
  9. Helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
  10. Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
  11. Plays a leading role in promoting the California Rental Association.
  12. Formally evaluates the performance of the Executive Director and informally evaluates the effectiveness of the Board members.
  13. Evaluates annually the performance of the organization in achieving its mission.
  14. Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board.
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 Vice President
This position is typically successor to the President of CRA position. In addition to the responsibilities outlined in the Board Member Job Description, this position:
  1. Is a member of the Board who has served at least one (1) year on the Board of Directors before becoming Vice President.  The Vice President shall be elected annually for a period of one year and shall not hold this office longer than two (2) consecutive full terms.  The Vice President is a member of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Vice President shall in the absence of the President, perform all the duties of the President. (see President Job Description)
  3. Reports to the Board's President
  4. Works closely with the President and other CRA officers and committee chairs to achieve organizational goals.
  5. Participates closely with the President to develop and implement officer transition plans.
  6. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.
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  1. Is a member of the Board of Directors and is elected annually to serve for a term of one year.  The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee.  It is recommended the Treasurer be a member of the Investment Committee.
  2. Manages finances of the organization.
  3. Is in charge of and responsible for all funds, securities, receipts and disbursements of CRA and shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, in the name of CRA, all monies, or other valuable effects in banks, or other depositories as shall from time to time be selected by the Board of Directors.  Treasurer may delegate any administrative duties to the Executive Director.
  4. Provides annual budget and financial reports to the board for members' approval.
  5. Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures and provides recommendation regarding financial matters to Board.
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  1. Is a member of the Board and a member of the Executive Committee.  The Secretary shall be elected to a term of office for one year annually.  The Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee.
  2. Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of organization's records.
  3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of members, of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee and any other committees the Secretary serves on.  Shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws or as required by Law.
  4. Ensures minutes are sent to Executive Director shortly after each meeting for documentation and distribution to Board Members.
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 Board Member
In order to assist with the new board members integration into the association the following job description has been created. New board members are expected to adhere to these criteria.
  1. Read and familiarize yourself with the By-Laws of the corporation.
  2. Read and familiarize yourself with Robert’s Rules of Order, revised. Board meetings will be governed by Parliamentary Procedure.
  3. Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings.  Attends Territory Meetings in Member’s territory to support and promote CRA activities.  Is elected to serve a three year term unless otherwise note in the CRA By-Laws. 
  4. Makes serious commitment to join at least one committee and participate actively in committee work and associated conference calls for that committee.
  5. Volunteers for and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
  6. Stays informed about committee and Board matters and prepare themselves well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports.
  7. Gets to know other committee members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus, promotion and betterment of the rental industry.
  8.  Actively participates in the Board’s programs, shows, seminars and planning efforts.
  9. Promotes CRA activities to industry venders and members. 
  10. Other tasks as assigned by the President.
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